
2016 Presidential Valentines

This is my 7th year designing valentines! Which means I have one more year before I'm kicked out of valentine office and someone else takes over.

Here's a recap if you're new to this lovely tradition that won't seem to die:

2010 Lost
2011 Jimmer
2012 Harry Potter pt 1 and Harry Potter pt 2
2013 Hunger Games
2014 Downton Abbey
2015 Taylor Swift

This year an obvious theme emerged, (even though it's a slight detour from the usjh valentines of entertainment's past). And since it's the first day of February AND the day of the Iowa Caucus(es) (Cauci?), I proudly present to my fellow citizens your 2016 Presidential Valentines!

And for whatever reason if you feel like these would be a yuge hit with your 8 friends or coworkers, click here to download a printable pdf. 


- Jenny